Friday, November 6, 2009

How to Cure Acne Using Home Remedies

Do you want to transform your red, itchy, acne covered skin into a clean, clear and more confident face? Do you want to save thousands of dollars on ineffective creams, lotions and pills that never seem to work?


You could benefit from using home remedies for acne that work naturally from inside your body.

Here are some quick tips to get you started.

Home Remedy Tips for Acne

1. Drink plenty of water. You should be drinking about 6 pints of water a day. Yes, you will probably go to the bathroom a lot but this is the absolutely best way to flush all the crap out of your body and have you feeling fresher and healthier. Avoid all those sugar filled drinks that spend millions of dollars advertising to you because guess what? They make acne worse. A LOT WORSE. Stick to water and you'll notice a difference within a week.

2. Read your food labels. I'm not one of those people that counts calories and watches carbs or fats intake but reading the label is a really quick way to see if what you're eating is good for you or not. If it has more than 10 ingredients and you can only pronounce a few of them, leave it on the shelf!! They put so many chemicals in products to increase their shelf life it's crazy and you don't know what effect they have on your body. Stick to natural whole foods and your skin will thank you later.

3. Get your five (or more) a day. This is a follow on from point 2. Greens are important! Try to eat some fruit and/or veg at every single meal. They contain many vital nutrients that you don't get from other foods. Fruit and veg contain natural sugars, vitamins and antioxidants that the skin clearing and healing process from the inside. Personal favorites of mine are spinach and broccoli! Gotta love the superfoods!

4. Take your tea green. If you're still one of the Starbucks fanboys (or girls) it's time to kick the caffeine to the curb! Switch to a green or peppermint tea and get a big old healthy dose of antioxidants into your daily routine. I personally recommend Liptons as it has been my preference and it really hits the spot. You'll notice the benefits on your skin really quickly so go get some today!

5. Get some sun, Casper! Notice how your skin seems to clear up when you head off the beach on vacation? Not only do the UV rays dry up your greasy pores, your skin absorbs vitamin D from the sunlight which aids the skins immune system and naturally corrects any hormone imbalances. In laymans terms, sunshine = clearer skin! Remember to use a good sunscreen though. I recommend one of the thinner, "light" creams because they don't block the pores so much. You might have to apply a little more frequently though.

6. Stop worrying about how you look! All acne sufferers worry about how "ugly" they are with their terrible skin. Stop it! Once you get out there and start living your life, you'll see that other people don't care as much about it as you do and when you start to enjoy yourself and stop stressing so much, your skin will become much clearer. I've seen guys with terrible skin hooking up with really hot girls because they didn't have a hang up about their skin. They live their life to the full. You should do the same.

By: Mr Wordsworth

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About the Author

Christian Nuttall is a blogger from Nottingham, England who has spent many, many years researching and testing pretty much every treatment known to man before he discovered home remedies for acne treatment that actually worked.

You can find out more about Ian and how he cured his acne by visiting his site: Home Remedies for Acne HQ

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