Sunday, November 22, 2009

Adult Acne Treatment-So Little Known

We never thought adult acne treatment was an issue.  We didn’t think that because that’s a true statement but rather because the disease in adults has been ignored for so long.

I guess ignored may not be the right word.  Something like not as important might be the right thing to say.

When we left our teenage years we were also quite sure we left our acne years behind us.  Unfortunately more and more we are finding that to not be true.

It seems acne in adults is a result of different things as compared to being a teenager.

Science and the medical field are discovering that acne in men is commonly linked to stress and overly active hormones while in women it seems to be mostly prevalent right at the premenstruation period.

A number that is quite shocking is that it now seems that 50% of adult women and 25% of adult men are suffering from the disease and looking for adult acne treatment.

Another thing that we are now finding out that was once thought to be a myth is people who wear makeup are seeing more cases of acne.  There are only a couple solutions to that.  One you quit wearing makeup altogether or two you make sure you do a great job of cleaning it every night.

It seems more and more the makeup basically is responsible for covering and clogging pores which in turn results in more and more break outs.

So now the question is what do we do when it comes to adult acne treatment?

There are a few answers and there is more hope than you would think.  With the stress issues, if you are willing to talk to your doctor they will most certainly help you deal with the stress which in turn will help the acne.

We are also finding that many of the over the counter medications are working very well for adult acne treatment.

The only downfall to over the counter meds is that you may have to try a few before finding the one that works for you.  Even in adults acne is still thought of as the trial and error disease.

No matter what you do the key is to hold your head high and don’t worry about what others say.  It was bad enough as a teenager worrying about those things.

Just move on and work on your adult acne treatment and all will be good.

Acne has been a big factor in our lives. All from young to old have experienced.

My small mission is to find out as much as I can about the disease and make sure the little guy gets my information.

Find more info by checking out

Adult Acne Treatment

Article Source:

Health News:

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