Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Acne Care Treatment Tips Breakthrough for Different Types of Acne

Types Of Acne Defined

Comedonal acne is just the medical name for whiteheads and blackheads.   Inflammatory acne is defined as having red papules or pustules, and can also have whiteheads or blackheads mixed in.  Finally, nodulocystic acne has deeper nodules or cysts.  Acne care varies for each of these types, as does the strength of the acne treatment.

Treatment Of Whiteheads And Blackheads

Comedonal acne is best treated with topical solutions such as benzoyl peroxide and Retin-A.  The key with these treatments is patience, as both of them can cause skin irritation if used too much too fast.  To see maximum benefit from either of these treatments, six to eight weeks needs to elapse with consistent daily use.

In order to avoid the skin irritation that is common with these treatments, a good quality skin moisturizer is recommended.  Used frequently throughout the day, a moisturizer can go a long way to keep the skin soft and pliable as the acne care products of choice do their job of sloughing off the old skin and removing the whiteheads and blackheads.

Treatment of Inflammatory Acne

Inflammatory acne may not only have red papules or pustules, but also a combination of whiteheads and blackheads.  Because of this, an acne care program could include oral antibiotics as well as topical antibiotic solutions and oral contraceptives.  Because of severity that inflammatory acne can reach, many people find that they will have to take a combination of two or more of these to get their acne under control.

Because acne treatment for inflammatory acne is primarily done with some form of antibiotic, over the long term, bacterial resistance can occur.  Because of this, it is harder to control this type of acne than its comedonal counterpart.  However, because whiteheads and blackheads are also very common with inflammatory acne, it is very important to use a good quality moisturizer to help the skin maintain it’s pliability and to cut down on redness and irritation.

Treatment of Nodulocystic Acne

Nodulocyctic acne care can include everything previously mentioned.  However, when topical solutions and oral and topical antibiotics don’t work or don’t work well enough, strong treatments may be added.  Accutane is a last resort treatment that can be used for this serious form of acne.  It is used as a last resort due to the serious side effects such as liver damage that can occur from its long-term use.

Accutane should only be used under the direct supervision of a doctor familiar with its use, as regular blood tests are recommended to monitor liver function levels in the body. 

While there are many ways to treat acne, its treatment and prevention usually boil down to either a topical or oral solution.  Successful acne treatment can take up to six to nine weeks for mild to moderate acne and much longer for more severe levels.  Patience is required, as is consistent use of any treatment selected.

About the Author:

Sorting through the myriad of Acne Care treatments can be a real pain. What works? What’s junk? has the answers you’re looking for without all the hype.

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