Monday, January 12, 2009

Completely Cure Acne With 3 Simple Tips

Do you ever wonder why there are so many different acne products on the market? It's because acne is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world today. It's also a multi-billion dollar industry. The problem with these products is they only deal with the symptoms of acne, and not the root cause.

The root cause of acne is inflammation and hormonal imbalances. If you are genetically predisposed to acne you need to make certain lifestyle changes in order to have clear skin like everyone that doesn't have the same genes. It's that simple. Here are the 3 tips that cured me and has also helped cure thousands of others:

1. Change your diet. Despite that you made have heard, diet plays a huge role in the formation of acne if you are prone to the disease. Avoiding all foods that promote inflammation or mess with your hormones is mandatory. Excess sugar is one of the biggest culprits, along with most vegetable oils.

2. Exercise. Aerobic exercise in particular is great at balancing hormones and promoting circulation. It helps remove unwanted toxins from your skin via your sweat glands. Try to exercise every day, or at least 4 times a week.

3. Supplementation. This step is optional but will speed the process along greatly. A few inexpensive supplements that can be found at any health food store (like Spirulina) will give your body the extra punch it needs to stop acne before it can begin.

For a detailed blueprint on how you can be completely clear in about 3 and a half weeks, check out my blog today. Good luck.

My name is Dan Calaway, and I suffered with acne for 10 years (this includes blackheads and MASSIVE cystic acne on my back, neck, and chest.) After using just about every acne product on the market (including Accutane), I finally figured out how to clear acne the all natural way. If you are in the same boat that I was in, check out my blog today.

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Health News:

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