Friday, January 23, 2009

Acne Home Remedies - 9 Top Ways to Remedy Acne

Acne is a common skin problem that can be cured from home. There are a lot of people suffering from acne breakouts. Acne affects teens and adults.

Dermatologists express a range of reasons of adult acne set of symptoms. These comprise: piquant food patterns, genetics, perspiration, dirt, and lack of exercise, etc. How is it possible to get rid of acne fast? Well, there are plentiful acne home remedies. These are as follow:

- For an everlasting acne cure, you will have to eat ample vegetables, fruits, salads, chicken, beans, pulses, and seeds, etc.

- Make a glue of 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon yogurt, 1 teaspoon natural honey, and a little rub garlic on acne affected areas of skin, leave it for 30 minutes, and rinse off. Your blackheads will be fast removed. Carry on this practice for 14 days.

- Drink 3 glasses of boil water early in the morning. This will eradicate the toxins in your body. Consequently, acne symptoms will be removed.

- Drink 1 glass of cucumber juice daily. The reason is that it would discharge the toxins and acne symptoms in your body.

- Perform 15 minutes yoga exercises daily. It will make your metabolic system quick, and you will be able to get rid of blackheads fast.

- Avoid oily and peppery foods. Just stick on light food patterns as this will be exceedingly helpful for you to reduce inflammation and annoyance occurred due to acne.

- If you drink 2 glasses of pine apple juice daily, this will be extremely helpful for you in shrinking the acne set of symptoms.

- Don't take coffee or tea because this can cause acne chaos. Rather, drink 1 glass of pomegranate juice daily.

- Keep away from polluted living standards, for example dirt, trash, and chemicals..

As you can see, there are many ways to get rid of acne. There are countless acne products, treatments and remedies to try. However, in my case nothing seemed to work for me. After suffering from acne for so long and trying many different remedies and products I finally found the best way to cure my acne in the fastest time. You can find out more information about it at

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